Saturday, September 15, 2012

Six Great Sources For Fitness Information

Looking for good fitness information can be a challenge today, with the avalanche of news sources, publications, and television programs coming from every direction. Here are six great sources to start with as you begin your journey to learn about great fitness approaches.
1. Fitness Magazines
The market for fitness information is so large that a number of magazines are available to meet this eager market. Many of these publications are specialized to target specific markets. You may want to get the advice of a trainer or workout specialist to sort through the many options
2. Specialty Magazines
Many fitness magazines are focused on particular activities. Running and Jogging each have several publications. Free weight or gym machine training have many titles to choose from. Sports exercise such as golf, swimming, or tennis have their specialized information as well.
In these magazines, be cautious about new programs being promoted by celebrities. These stars are usually not exercise experts, and their claims on the effectiveness of their programs need to be taken with a grain of salt.
Another caution is the dramatic headline. Claims of 10 pounds or more lost in a week sound too good to be true. The reality is that these claims really are inflated, so don't get sucked into programs of this type.
If the articles do not back up their claims with testimony from recognized experts, or a study that shows the program is repeatable, this should raise a red flag. Pass on this article, and look for something more real.
The last key here are the ads included in the magazine. Many times the products reviewed in the articles are heavily promoted in ads throughout the magazine. In many cases, the ads are structured to look like articles themselves. Be alert and do not be fooled by this.
Hospital groups and university research labs often put out newsletters on their programs, These provide quick insight into the range of activities they are involved in, and give you a good background on nutrition, exercise and wellness. Good sources include the University of California, Penn State University, and the Mayo Clinic
4. Newspapers
Major metropolitan newspapers often have specialty sections where topics such as fitness and wellness are covered on a weekly basis. These articles often will lead you to more specialized publications, and can help you stay abreast of emerging trends.
5. Books
The shelves of the bookstores groan with the wide range of exercise, diet and nutrition programs. Many are based on programs developed by physicians, sports medicine clinics, and universities. Others are promotions by celebrities and elite athletes. Seek out the advice of a personal trainer or other experienced exercise authority to help you sort through the many options. Many "secret" programs are just common knowledge recycled by the author. In general, look for programs that help you move toward your goals, and leave the rest.
6. The Internet
This is an even wider field than the bookstores. The ease of setting up your own website allows a wide range of groups to promote lots of different programs. You can often start the sorting by searching on a particular type of exercise in one of the search engines. Good information on general fitness and diet programs can be obtained from health association sites or government research groups like the National Institutes of Health.
Magazines have also established an internet presence. Fitness magazines such as Men's Health and Self share their print info as well as review other fitness sites. Check out a few of these to see what might appeal to you.

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